The Hosting Game: A Paranormal Party You Don't Want to Attend
The Hosting Game: A Paranormal Party You Don't Want to Attend
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to host a party for ghosts? If you are brave enough, you can try playing the hosting game, a paranormal ritual that claims to summon three spirits into a designated room. But be warned, this is not a game for the faint of heart, and it could have dangerous consequences.
## How to Play the Hosting Game
To play the hosting game, you will need the following items:
- A small, empty room with no windows. This will be the hosting room. If you can't find a room with no windows, you can cover them with curtains or blankets. No light should be able to enter the room.
- A pen or pencil and a sheet of paper.
- A clock or a watch.
- Three matches.
You also need to be alone in the house, and turn off all sources of noise, such as phones, TVs, computers, etc. Wait until it is dark outside, and then follow these steps:
1. Turn on the light in the hosting room. If there is no lightbulb, you can use a candle or a flashlight. Leave the pen, paper and clock in the hosting room.
2. Go to the furthest point in your house from the hosting room. Walk from room to room, making your way back to the hosting room. In each room you pass through, stop and say out loud, "I will be ready soon."
3. When you reach the hosting room, take the sheet of paper and write the following invitation: "You are invited to a gathering, hosted by (write your name here). It takes place at (write the current time here). Bring your friends." Place the sheet of paper on the floor in the middle of the room.
4. Stand in the doorway, facing into the hosting room and say out loud, "I am ready. You may come in."
5. Turn off the light, turn around and walk out. Stand outside the doorway with your back turned to the hosting room.
6. Take out three matches and hold them in your hand. Count out loud from one to ten. At ten, strike the first match. If the match lights on the first strike, say out loud, "I am glad to see you. Thank you for coming." If the match does not light on the first strike, drop it and immediately proceed to the next step.
7. Strike the second match. If the match lights on the first strike, say out loud, "I am glad to see you. Thank you for coming." If the match does not light on the first strike, drop it and immediately proceed to the next step.
8. Strike the third match. If the match lights on the first strike, say out loud, "I am glad to see you. Thank you for coming." If the match does not light on the first strike, this is very bad. It means you have uninvited guests. Do not turn around. Run immediately to the nearest light source (not the one in the hosting room) and turn it on. The party is over.
9. If the third match lit on the first strike, stand very still and listen carefully. You will hear faint voices or whispering behind you. Do not turn around. To end the hosting game, say out loud, "Thank you for coming."
## What Happens When You Play the Hosting Game
The hosting game is supposed to allow you to communicate with three spirits who accept your invitation. However, not all spirits are friendly, and some may have malicious intentions. Some people who have played the hosting game reported experiencing the following phenomena:
- Feeling cold spots, breezes, or touches in the hosting room or other parts of the house.
- Hearing knocks, footsteps, laughter, or screams in the hosting room or other parts of the house.
- Seeing shadows, orbs, or figures in the hosting room or other parts of the house.
- Having nightmares, sleep paralysis, or hallucinations after playing the hosting game.
- Experiencing bad luck, accidents, or illnesses after playing the hosting game.
- Finding the invitation note missing, torn, or altered after playing the hosting game.
- Feeling a presence or being watched in the hosting room or other parts of the house.
Some people who have played the hosting game also claimed that the spirits they invited did not leave after the game was over, and continued to haunt them or their house. Some even reported being attacked or possessed by the spirits.
## Is the Hosting Game Real or Fake?
There is no scientific evidence to prove or disprove the existence of ghosts or the validity of the hosting game. However, there are some possible explanations for why some people may experience paranormal phenomena when playing the hosting game.
One explanation is the power of suggestion. By following the steps of the hosting game, you are creating a scenario that primes your mind to expect something supernatural to happen. You are also increasing your fear and anxiety levels, which can make you more alert and sensitive to any stimuli. This can cause you to misinterpret normal sounds or sensations as paranormal, or to imagine things that are not there.
Another explanation is the placebo effect. By believing that the hosting game works, you are creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. You are also influencing your subconscious mind, which can affect your dreams, emotions, and behavior. This can cause you to experience paranormal phenomena that are actually generated by your own mind.
A third explanation is the involvement of other factors. By playing the hosting game, you may be exposing yourself to environmental, psychological, or physical factors that can affect your perception and cognition. For example, you may be playing the hosting game in a place that has high electromagnetic fields, which can cause hallucinations or mood changes. You may also be playing the hosting game when you are tired, stressed, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, which can impair your judgment and memory.
## Should You Play the Hosting Game?
The hosting game is a risky and potentially dangerous activity that should not be taken lightly. Even if you do not believe in ghosts or the paranormal, you may still experience negative effects from playing the hosting game, such as fear, anxiety, paranoia, or trauma. You may also be inviting unwanted entities or energies into your life, which could harm you or your loved ones.
Therefore, it is strongly advised that you do not play the hosting game, or any other paranormal game, for that matter. There are many other ways to have fun or satisfy your curiosity without putting yourself or others in harm's way.
However, if you still decide to play the hosting game, do so at your own risk, and follow these safety tips:
- Do not play the hosting game alone. Have a friend or a family member with you, or at least let someone know what you are doing and where you are.
- Do not play the hosting game in a place that is important to you, such as your home, your workplace, or your school. Choose a place that you can easily leave or avoid if something goes wrong.
- Do not play the hosting game if you have a history of mental illness, or if you are suffering from any physical or emotional problems. Seek professional help instead.
- Do not play the hosting game if you are pregnant, or if you have a heart condition or any other medical issues. The hosting game could cause stress or harm to you or your baby.
- Do not play the hosting game more than once. The more you play, the more likely you are to encounter something unpleasant or dangerous.
- Do not play the hosting game if you are religious or spiritual. The hosting game could offend or anger your beliefs or your deities.
- Do not play the hosting game if you are scared or unsure. The hosting game requires confidence and courage. If you are not ready, do not play.
Remember, the hosting game is not a joke, and it is not worth the risk. Stay safe, and stay away from the hosting game.