Still Working Out How To Make a YouTube Orbit a Reality

In case you missed the first blog about this, I am maybe going to do a YouTube orbit. If you don't know what that is, it is when you post a video every day for and entire year. It's crazy! I know.

I'll be cheating a bit because I have two channels so I will be posting between both of them. One is a travel channel and one is an art channel, the two things I love the most. 

I did a video every day during the month of October before and that was tough. I don't know if I can keep it up for an entire year. I know I was glad when that month was over.

So here's the plan...

1. Most of the videos will be vlog style and a lot of them will be made on my phone so I can work on them everywhere.

2. I'll be posting a lot of daily life stuff because I know I'll run out of ideas at some point.

3. Right now I'm not posting anything. I'm learning more about YouTube and optimizing the videos I already have out because I don't want this whole thing to be a waste of time and I only get 10 new subscribers after a year of work.

4. On the weekends I'm going to try and record 7 higher quality videos to put out between the vlog style videos. At least that is the goal.

5. The travel channel is going to be tough because I can't travel right now so I am thinking of other ways to post there like doing Japanese lessons for people thinking of going to Japan.

Still working on stuff but you should be seeing new videos on my channels soon.

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